2021 Programs
Jazz Vivace Presents: Live at Caffè Vivace
Jazz Vivace Presents is a program that sponsors the everyday local live jazz music scene. A program that grew out of our efforts to restore gigs for our musicians in the aftermath of COVID-19, Jazz Vivace Presents: Live at Caffè Vivace, became our flagship program initiative in 2020 and continues to gain momentum and support as we search for normalcy in 2021. We sponsor live jazz six days of the week at this venue.
Bringing International Jazz Home
Bringing International Jazz Home is dedicated to programming concerts featuring internationally recognized jazz artists in the Cincinnati area. We work to brand Cincinnati as a jazz stronghold that attracts international jazz performers and places Cincinnati on the world map as a jazz listening destination. Our goal is to make Cincinnati a city that produces internationally recognized artists and a place that practitioners and patrons of jazz of any level want to call home.
While audiences can hear outstanding jazz performances in large venues, we believe that performances in smaller venues provide audiences the best jazz listening experience. Therefore, we focus a large portion of our programming efforts on concerts in small venues where listeners can experience jazz performance in a setting akin to a chamber music space.
Given our new, more digitally engaged world, we will also present our series via live streaming. We’ve already seen the tremendous impact and reach this service provides and, in this still unsure climate brought to us by COVID-19, an excellent and safe way for us to connect to a much broader audience than we can in person.
By bringing international jazz home, we can only strengthen our community and make our wonderful and culturally rich city a destination for jazz lovers from all over the country and the world!
With support from:

Jazz Vivace Young Professionals
The Jazz Vivace Young Professionals is a new program in 2021. We know that the future rests on the backs of young adults. More specifically, the art we hold most dear, jazz music, can only survive for generations to come if each subsequent generation picks up the torch, carries it forward, and passes on to the next. With this in mind, we are forming a committee of jazz musicians, patrons between the ages of 21 and 40. This committee will create opportunities to connect other young adults to jazz and the arts and evangelize jazz as America's most treasured artistic creation.
The Vivace Late Set is the first initiative of the Jazz Vivace Young Professionals (JVYP) program. Our goal is to provide programming that attracts young professional jazz musicians to live and work in Cincinnati and enriches the arts and cultural scene for young Cincinnati professionals from all walks of life.